Saturday, June 27, 2020

03-Arrival & Triage

Well, I got her home

A few things stand out right away:

"Ignition switch? We don't need no STINKIN' ignition switch!"

I'm sure most cosmic black holes are far brighter than the inside of this tank.

"Look there Ma, it's one of them new-fangled fly-by-wire throttles!"

Rather than bore you with everything that needs attention, I'll just tell you what works:

The kickstart turns the engine over with good compression (tearing into an engine is WAAAAY above my pay-grade, and I wouldn't have purchased her if she hadn't spun over)

The shifter moves and goes into gear

So, here she is, waiting to come back to life, to move under her own power, to give me a greater sense of accomplishment than I'm willing to admit. If all the stars line up, if I don't run out of money (used, new & NOS Honda Dream parts are VERY expensive! assuming you can even find them!) I plan to have her breathing again by this fall. Stay tuned

1 comment:

04-"Tanks Alot!"

There are four main elements every internal combustion engine needs to run: Air, Fuel, Spark & Compression In my journey to get Jeannie ...