Saturday, June 27, 2020

03-Arrival & Triage

Well, I got her home

A few things stand out right away:

"Ignition switch? We don't need no STINKIN' ignition switch!"

I'm sure most cosmic black holes are far brighter than the inside of this tank.

"Look there Ma, it's one of them new-fangled fly-by-wire throttles!"

Rather than bore you with everything that needs attention, I'll just tell you what works:

The kickstart turns the engine over with good compression (tearing into an engine is WAAAAY above my pay-grade, and I wouldn't have purchased her if she hadn't spun over)

The shifter moves and goes into gear

So, here she is, waiting to come back to life, to move under her own power, to give me a greater sense of accomplishment than I'm willing to admit. If all the stars line up, if I don't run out of money (used, new & NOS Honda Dream parts are VERY expensive! assuming you can even find them!) I plan to have her breathing again by this fall. Stay tuned

Thursday, June 25, 2020

02-"I want to look at her!"

So the scene starts with Arnie riding in his (Dennis) friends car after the 1st day of school, which didn't go very well (lunch stolen & glasses broken) when all of a sudden, Arnie looks out the window and says:

Stop the car! Quick!

Go back!

Whats the matter?

I want to look at her!

All right, Arnie.

Just go back. All right?

The next scene (where they first meet Christine up close):

This is a piece of shit.

She could be fixed up.


Oh, she could be really tough.

Forget it. This babys got

Probably 193 thousand.

I don't care.

I bet it wont even start.

She'll start.

You need these.

How much do you want for her?

Whatever it is, it's not enough.

I had my same moment today

1965 Honda CA77 Dream

Though I'm hoping she doesn't turn out to be as evil, I did name her today:


As in "I ______ of Jeannie"

(I know, kinda lame, kinda dumb)

She comes home tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


   A little about me: I'm a lifelong resident of Akron Ohio, married, stable job selling auto parts in a dealership environment for over 40 years (GM, Kia, and now MOPAR)  An avid motorcycle enthusiast since junior-high days, I currently have these bikes in my stable:

  2015 Suzuki Boulevard C50T

    2013 Yamaha XV250

I ride the Boulevard 99.9% 2 up with my lovely wife who enjoys riding almost as much as I do (when it's warmer than 70 outside)

 Doing our part to "Social Distance"

And the Yamaha is strictly a commuter bike, riding 50+ miles round trip to work (getting 70+ MPG)

You might ask: "why TWO bikes? Why not just ride one all the time?"

Well, yes, I could do that, but each bike serves a different purpose: the Boulevard is set up for 2 people (shock settings, floorboards, back-rest & luggage rack, fantastic Russell-Day-Long custom seats,) and the Yamaha just saves me gas riding to work.

But there's something missing: A "Looker", A "Head-Turner", A bike that is total "Eye-Candy".

Don't get me wrong, both of my bikes have good visual qualities about them: the Boulevard has fat fenders and whitewalls, the Yamaha has a classic V-twin engine & pipes. But neither one would probably turn heads passing by, there's too many out there, and to most people, too common looking.

 A few years ago I resurrected a 1980 Honda Passport from the grave, but concluded the 50cc engine wasn't strong enough to haul my large-ass around. But what drew me to this bike was the un-conventional look (fat flared fenders, leg shields, fully enclosed drive chain) and relative cheap parts costs. (the original design dates back to the 50's, Honda STILL produces them today-surpassing 100 million!)

1980 Honda Passport (that's me)

Currently looking for a project that will fill the long winter hours (NE Ohio has some of the most dismal weather around-2nd only to the Pacific Northwest in annual cloudy days) So, I'm on the hunt for a 3rd bike (Thank GOD my wife tolerates me) Stay tuned...

04-"Tanks Alot!"

There are four main elements every internal combustion engine needs to run: Air, Fuel, Spark & Compression In my journey to get Jeannie ...